Creator:Tracy Hall Date Created: Place Created: Keywords:business expenses Context:various receipts ************************************************** 1 0 5. 9 3 7 1.72 3 9. 0 3 2 1 6. 6 8 July 19, 1974 H. TRACY HAIL 'HiC. 1190 COLUMBIA p 0. BOX 7533 UfliV STA,) - PROVO, UTAH 84601 POLE-LINE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1952 KIESEL AVE 380 SOUTH 9TH WEST 1340 SOUTH 400 WEST 596 INDUSTRIAL ROAD WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL DISTRIB UTO RS OGDEN, UTAH PROVO. UTAp ROOSEVELT. UTAH SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH ST GEORGE. UTAH RE M IT TO P.O. BOX 2405 PHONE 399 9815 PHONE 374-^21 PHONE 486-2191 PHONE 673-4663 , DELIVER TO: our order numbf MEGA DIAt^SefND CORP UNIVERSITY STATION " BOX 7139 PRfWfl, UTAH 84601_ SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 64 11 O DUNS 909-34S5 SHIP OR 68624 2478 INDUSTRIAL BLVD GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO customer order - RECEIVED JUL 1 0 1974 QUANTITY SHIPPED DESCRIPTION 06-20-7** cash disc Wil.l CAl I. UNIT PRICE invoice date 07-05-74 AMOUNT 2205 RACO 90 CONN 1 1/4 ALUM FLEX 2% 2% 249.85 C 73.37 C 29.98 73.37 NO CREDIT WILL BE ALLOWED FOR GOODS RETURNED WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. HANDLING CHARGES WILL BE ASSESSED ON RETURNED GOODS. CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES MUST BE MADE UPON RECEIPT O^SOODS. Terms, 30 days net unless otherwise indicated payable at company offices Purchaser agrees lo pay DELINQUENCY CHARGE on past-due amounts at the rale of 1 % per month 1 2 % PER ANNUM. Purchaser also agrees to pay other collection costs and attorney tees if the account is placed in the hands of on attorney for collection if paid in accordance with cash discount terms rou MAY 9 H7 ( DEDUCT I p 08-10-74 received by RONALD W1L 5 u N merchandise total UTAH&.5 TRANSPORTATION CHARGES total invoice 103.35 4.65 .00 108.00 ORIGINAL INVOICE POLE-LINE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1952 KIESEL AVE 380 SOUTH 9TH WEST OGDEN. UTAH PROVO.UTAH PHONE 399-9815 PHONE 374-2921 1340 SOUTH 400 WEST 596 INDUSTRIAL ROAD WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS ROOSEVELT. UTAH SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH PHONE 486-2191 ST GEORGE. UTAH PHONE 673-4663 k25a cob?. t Sold To:-- » t-bgjt-z---' T, ■ .,;■--?ati ?R0V0, UTAH JM^Jl cli ~ 1 to p REMIT TO P.O. BOX 2405 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 84 I I O DUNS 909-3485 No.20 2130 2478 INDUSTRIAL BLVD. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO Ship Or. DELIVER TO no credit will be allowed for goods returned without our permission. handling charges will be assessed on returned goods. claims for shortages must be made upon receipt of goods. "Terms, 30 days net unless otherwise indicated payable at company offices. Purchaser also agrees to pay other collection costs and attorney fees if the account is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection.'' - POLE-LINE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 65455 I9S2KIESELAVE. 380 SOOTH 9TH WEST 1340 SOUTH 400 WEST S96 INDUSTRIAL ROAO WH OLES ALE E LECTRIC AL DISTRtB UTO RS .. U 2478 INDUSTRIAL Bl OC.DLN UTAH PROVO. UTAH ROOSEVELT. UTAH SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH ST. GEORGE. UTAH REMIT TO P.O. BOX 2405 1 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO PHONE 399 9815 PHONE 374-2921 s PHONE 486 2191 ^ PHONE 673-4663 SALT tAKfc CITY UTAH B41 10 P / ^ ^ DUNS 909-3485 TdtoMEGA DIAMOND CORP " H. TRACY HAtthW0 nr,rlWrn HIM 9 6 1Q74 UNIVERSITY STATION n "90 COtmSum RECEIVED JU.^ 1 0 BOX 7189 P- OJOX 7533 UNIV SIA PR0V0/UTAH 84601 **0V0, UTAH 8M9 OUR ORDER NUMBER x CUSTO 1X405 ME MERORDER-REQ.NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA DADIAMON 06-10-74 L WILL CALL INVOICE DATE 06-25-74 item no. back ordered quantity ordered quantity shipped SSStff DESCRIPTION cash disc UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 2 2 FRS-50 BUSSMAN FUSES 2% 2.10 EA 4.20 2 1 1 FRN20 BUSSMAN FUSES 2% .54 EA .54 3 2 2 X2G11 BUSSMAN PORC 2% 1.85 EA 3.70 1 1 4929 HUBBELL PORC 2% 124.00 C 1.24 5 50 50 FT "2THW RED 2% 547.41 M 27.37 6 3 3 LI 25 BLACKBURN iET 86.15 C 2.58 7 15 15 L250 BLACKBURN iET 193.35 C 29.00 . > . . . . NO CREDIT WILL BE ALLOWED FOR GOODS RE TURNED WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. HANDLING CHARGES WILL BE ASSESSED ON RETURNED GOODS CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES MUST BE MADE UPON RECEIPT OF GOODS. Terms. 30 days net unless otherwise indicated payable at company offices Purchaser agrees to pay DELINQUENCY CHARGE on past-due amounts at the rate of 1 % per month 1 2 % PER ANNUM. MERCHANDISE TOTAL 68 .63 3.09 .00 71 .72 Purchaser olso agrees to poy other collection costs and attorney fees if the account is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection tax code state sales or use tax UTAH A* 5 city sales tax if paid in accordance with cash discount terms received by RONALD WILSON .73 pai'o by 07-10-74 for job. transportation charges TOTAL INVOICE ORIGINAL INVOICE POLE-LINE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1952 KIESEL AVE. 380 SOUTH 9TH WEST 1340 SOUTH 400 WEST 596 INDUSTRIAL ROAD WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS OGDEN. UTAH PROVO. UTAH ROOSEVELT. UTAH SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH ST GEORGE. UTAH REMIT TO PO BOX 2405 PHONE 486-2191 PHONE 673-4663 ^ ^ ^ y-|"AH 84 , , O DUNS 909-3485 PHONE 399-9813 PHONE 374-2921 SQLD TO:- No.20 1405 2478 INDUSTRIAL BLVD. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO Ship Or. DELIVER TO __ CREDIT APPROVED FILLED BY &A) CHECKED BY FOB DEST FOB S/P FR. ALLD FOB S/P PREPAY BILL FRT PRICED BY EXT CHECKED ROUTING % OUR ORDER NO. EDITING CUSTOMER ORDER ■ REQ. NO DATE ENTERED 6-lQ "H DATE SHIPPED back ordered QUANTITY ORDERED QUANTITY SHIPPED CATALOG NUMBER RESH1P DESCRIPTION CASH DISC UNIT PRICE no credit will be allowed for goods returned without our permission. handling charges will be assessed on returned goods. claims for shortages must be made upon receipt of goods. "Terms, 30 days net unless otherwise indicated payable at company offices. Purchaser also agrees to pay other collection costs and attorney fees if the account is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection." PURCHASER AGREES TO PAY DELINQUENCY CHARGE ON PAST-DUE AMOUNTS AT THE RATE OF 1% PER MONTH (12% PER ANNUM). A ,, merchandise total TERMS AGREED TO & RECEIVED BY: sales on use tax CITY SALES TAX transportation charges TOTAL INVOICE POLE-LINE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1952 kiesel ave 380 south 9th west ogden utah pr0v0. utah phone 399-9815 phone 374-2921 roosevelt. utah 1340 south 400 west salt lake city^tah phone 4b6-, 596 industrial road st george.utah phone 673-4663 SOLD TO: 3 mega diamond cgrp university station box 71/9 provptutah 84601 WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS RE MIT TO P.O. BOX 2405 SALT LAKE CITY. UTA^ B4I IO DUNS 9< 64853 2478 industrial blvd grand junction. colorado our order number 1140 customer order - req. no. date shipped shipped via 06-04-74 c will call invoice date 06-19-74 item no. quantity ordered catalog number DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 3/4 alum conduit flex 1003 raco 3 a locknut 1403 raco 3/4 bushing 2102 raco 1/2 conn 278 t/b 3 /4 conn 3/4x3 nipple 1367 raco redu wash, 1372 ditto ha402 steel city ch nip 30 .96 c 6.65 c 7.30 c 30.70 c 64.50 c 30.42 c 5.70 c 12.15 c 30.9 6 NO CREDIT WILL BE ALLOWED FOR GOODS RETURNED WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. HANDLING CHARGES WILL BE ASSESSED ON RETURNED GOODS. CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES MUST BE MADE UPON RECEIPT OF GOODS. Terms. 30'days net unless otherwise indicated poyoble at company offices. Purchaser agrees to pay DELINQUENCY CHARGE on past-due amounts at the rate of 1 % P«r month 1 2 % PER ANNUM. Purchaser also agrees to pay other collection costs and attorney fees if the account is placed in ihe hands of on attorney for collection merchandise total if paid in accordance with cash discount terms .74 - 07-10-74 tou may < deduct received by ronald wilson utah8&5 total invoice 37.35 1 .68 .00 39.03 ORIGINAL INVOICE POLE-LINE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1952 kiesel ave. 380 south 9th west ogden. utah provo. utah roosevelt. utah salt lake city. utah st george. utah phone 399-9815 phone 374-2921 phone 486-2191 phone 673-4663 »S3A DIASOHD 20SP. T spto To--. 0 . BOX 7 I.:-?—• •. '! . ITY—' TA TI PROVO, UTAH a 4 0 L - 1 b -4 to f 1340 south 400 west 596 industrial road WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS REMIT TO P.O. BOX 2405 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 841 lO DWMS I Ship Or. deuverto HMW) -,r ■ aft1.3vsp ks payment - No.20 1140 2478 INDUSTRIAL BLVD GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO ME55TT teri OUR ORDER NO. EDITING back ordered customer order - req. no. I quantity ordered quantity shipped date entered catalog number DESCRIPTION no credit will be allowed for goods returned without our permission handling charges will be assessed on returned goods. claims for shortages must be made upon receipt of goods. "Terms, 30 doys net unless otherwise indicated payable at company offices. Purchaser also agrees to pay other collection costs and attorney fees if the account is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection." PURCHASER AGREES TO PAY DELINQUENCY CHARGE ON PAST-DUE AMOUNTS AT THE RATE OF 1% PER MONTH (12% PER ANNUM). TERMS AGREED TO & RECEIVED BY: sumwpwr UNIT PRICE merchandise total "Sales" tax code tax code or tax city sales tax transportation charges TOTAL INVOICE credit approved filled by ( checked by fob dest fob s/p fr. alld fob s/p prepay bill frt priced by ext. checked routing direct reship stock mmmm